AI for Recruitment - Is It REALLY Worth It?

ai for recruitment

A recent survey of recruiters, talent acquisition personnel and staffing head-honchos revealed that 52% of them find screening candidates extremely tough to do from a large applicant pool. Overall the recruitment pipeline is quite a demanding process in a global environment. 

Thus, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a boon for recruiters in this multitasking and fast-paced job environment. AI can help recruiters not only in picking the suitable candidate by analyzing the data but also can save lots of time for the recruitment community. 

At Tobu, we are always excited about the relationship between AI and recruitment. Here, in this article, we will find out what are the benefits of using AI in the recruitment process. Make sure you read to the end so you don’t miss out on anything.

What is AI & How Is It Relevant To The Recruitment Process?

AI (Artificial intelligence) is a system or software that is programmed to behave like humans and it mimics human intelligence and their actions to perform tasks and improve itself based on the data it collects. Every AI system is powered by a base algorithm that defines its purpose and ways in which it can keep evolving further. These softwares possess traits like learning, reasoning, and problem-solving to achieve a specific goal. 

In case of the recruitment process AI algorithms are created to make the process more efficient, effective and speedy. These AI recruitment tools are slowly becoming a significant part of the overall recruitment process. Recruiters are relying on AI tools for everything from screening to interviews. 

How Can AI Benefit Recruitment Agencies? 

At the core of today’s blog is this key question of deriving benefits from the use of AI in the recruitment process. The recruitment agencies, staffing firms and talent acquisition personnel can benefit a lot from AI. The key benefits of AI in recruiting are – 

  • Mass hiring can be done with ease 
  • The quality of candidates in the pool is higher due to strict screening and vetting procedures 
  • Time to complete a successful recruitment process is considerable reduced when AI is used. 
  • Human errors and biases that affect the procedure are eliminated. 
  • Recruiters’ efficiency increases. 
  • Robust security ensures the database is safe and encrypted. 
  • It encourages a collaborative approach and fosters an environment of transparency. 
  • The analytics give a comprehensive picture of every aspect of recruiting.
  • Recruiters can be more effective at their jobs since manual tasks are automated with AI. 

Traditional Non-AI Recruiting V. AI Recruiting

There are many factors that clearly explain the difference between traditional recruitment procedures and AI-based recruitment procedures. 

  • TIME – 

Traditional means of recruitment are definitely more time-consuming. AI tools have proven to expedite the recruitment process by leaps and bounds. 

  • REACH – 

In a traditional recruitment process, recruiters are only able to reach out to candidates within a certain geography, or via a single job portal. But with AI recruitment tools, staffing firms can reach out to a global pool of talent with no limits. They have access to thousands of candidate resumes from a gamut of job portals all at once. 


Screening thousands upon thousands of resumes is a painful task in traditional recruiting. Add to that, the necessity of vetting the candidates and their background information. All of this can be run through an AI algorithm and the the recruiter can directly focus on resumes that have passed the screening test and finished the vetting process. This gives talent acquisition personnel time and energy to work on cultivating a positive relationship with ideal candidates. 


Traditional recruitment is a lengthy process where there is an interval of weeks if not months in crossing each milestone of the process. This interval negatively impacts a candidate’s perspective about the job and might even give him/her time to choose a different company altogether. 

However, when AI tools are used the process is lightning fast and the one-on-one interactions are productive and positive. The candidate is drawn into conversations about the role, the company etc. in a short span of time, giving him/her a positive experience of the recruitment process. 

  • BIAS

A traditional recruitment process may be biased but an AI-based process has no scope of being biased. AI tools eliminate candidate bias with regard to race, gender, religion or nationality completely. This giving a diverse candidate pool a fighting chance for the job role. 


The traditional recruitment software offer limited insights for recruiters. AI recruitment tools however let the agency deep-dive into analytics. There are multiple insights and data points that showcase the performance client-wise, team-wise, job-wise etc. for the agency to understand their own strengths and weaknesses in the current job market. 

Final Thoughts

Tobu, is the world’s first AI-driven email resume extractor that has received acceptance and applause from recruitment agencies in all leading job markets globally. Our technology has eased the life of recruiters and eliminated the need for them to constantly check their inbox and fill up new candidate data in their ATS or CRM. Tobu’s video demo explains how the tool works. 

We are therefore an organization that is all for AI tools changing the recruitment landscape!