Desktop Resume Search – How to find candidate resumes within your Gmail

Desktop Resume Search

Resumes get lost in your Desktop all the time. To efficiently find candidate resumes in your desktop, use the right tools and strategies. This article will provide tips and techniques for effectively doing a Desktop Resume search and identifying the most qualified candidates for open positions.

Why Recruiters look for candidates in their Desktops/ Computers?

  • Looking for a specific candidate resume hidden away in your Desktop – Many times you just know the name of the candidate or the contact details and you are looking for the candidate resume in your inbox. 
  • Looking for a candidate with a specific set of skills- You have a set of candidates who are matching a new job opening that you are looking to close. 
  • Looking for candidates who applied to an earlier job – You have a job opening similar to another one in the past where you already have job applications. 
  • Looking for candidates by date ranges – You know a candidate mailed you approximately a year back but can’t quite remember who the candidate was. 
  • Screening resumes for a new job posting- you recently posted a job and got candidates in your inbox. You are looking for the best candidate from the recent list of recipients matching a particular set of skills. 

How to perform Desktop Resume Search: 

The old way: before 2015: 

Search your Desktop directly and search all the files using the file finder in your Desktop and look inside particular folders.

It also required hours of Manual organization  to make the search better– you would need to organize resumes by folders and labels in your inbox. 

The slightly newer way: 

ATS/ CRMs – before 2023: 

ATS systems allow recruiters to upload resumes to systems. However, at most times, they require you to upload an excel sheet or a xml file along with your resumes to get the parsed details input into those systems.Some ATSs do have parsers but bulk uploading is not a possibility. Besides, you would need to manually segregate all the resumes before you upload them. Ultimately it meant only resumes from specific sources could be picked up in mass (for instance from job boards etc.). Or they would need to be manually sent into the ATS system one at a time. 

The new AI Way in 2023 of searching for candidate in your Desktop – Desktop Resume Search: 

Tobu is the world’s first Desktop Resume Extractor. It means, by downloading Tobu Desktop and uploading a folder, Tobu will automatically scan the folder and all its subfolders and identify just the resumes, parse all the resume fields that you have in your folders, de-duplicate them and make them all searchable. Recruiters can now start searching through all the resumes that they ever owned in a matter of minutes. Here are some of the examples of how you could use the search engine to find resumes: 

  •  Candidate name and contact details
  •  City, country or zip code radius
  •  Keywords/ skills
  • Advanced boolean searches
  • Dates resumes were recieved 
  • Age of resume(how old is the resume)
  • Job board/ job the candidate applied to
  • Job titles held
  • Years of experience 

Sign up and download Tobu Desktop in 2 minutes to start searching for the best candidates within your own database in a couple of minutes. Tobu will create a private account for you and your company to be able to search through all the resumes that you already have. 

With this, you will be able to find every single candidate in your desktop and never lose a resume ever again. Tobu unlocks the full power of your passive resume database. 

Further, using Tobu, you will also be able to send bulk mailers or standardized saved templates to the candidates in order to reach them and place them for future jobs.
Btw, we also have an Email Resume Extractor that automatically identities resumes from your Email in minutes and builds it into a searchable database.