Is Naukri Recruiter Free?

Is Naukri Recruiter Free?

As a recruiter, finding the best tools to streamline your hiring process is essential. One such tool that often comes into consideration is NaukriRecruiter. But the big question on everyone's mind is: "Is Naukri Recruiter free?" Let’s dive into the details to answer this question and explore what NaukriRecruiter has to offer.

About Naukri Recruiter

NaukriRecruiter is a robust platform tailored for HR professionals, recruitment consultants, and senior managers to aid in their hiring processes. The platform provides a suite of services designed to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective through advanced technology and data-driven solutions.

Features of Naukri Recruiter

NaukriRecruiter is packed with features to help recruiters find the right candidates swiftly and effectively. Here are some key highlights:

  • AI-Powered Matching Algorithm: This feature evaluates job applications and assigns a relevance score to categorize candidates, ensuring that you focus on the most suitable applicants.
  • Matching Scores on Different Parameters: Compare candidate profiles based on various criteria such as skills, salary expectations, experience, and education to make well-informed hiring decisions.
  • Feedback from Rejected Applicants: Share feedback with candidates about why they were not selected, which can help improve their future applications and maintain a positive brand image.
  • Candidate Pool Addition: Proactively add potential candidates to your talent pool for future job openings, ensuring you have a ready database of qualified candidates.

Is Naukri Recruiter Free?

Creating a profile on NaukriRecruiter is indeed free. This includes:

  • Registration on the platform.
  • Email verification.
  • Establishing a public profile for recruitment purposes.

Additionally, recruiters can post jobs for free on their profile and receive job applications via email without any charges. However, it’s important to note that while the basic usage is free, there are additional charges for certain services. These charges depend on the level of visibility and duration of job postings.

Cost of Naukri Recruiter

While setting up a NaukriRecruiter profile and some basic features are free, additional services incur costs. The pricing for job postings on NaukriRecruiter varies based on several factors, such as:

  • Duration of the job posting: Longer postings tend to cost more.
  • Visibility: Enhanced visibility options can increase the cost.

Naukri’s pricing for recruiters can be quite varied and is typically not disclosed openly. However, you can find some pricing details on their website for popular services and packages, which range from INR 2,000 to INR 200,000. The cost depends significantly on the recruiter's specific needs, the structure of the work, and the department in which they are seeking staff.


NaukriRecruiter offers a mix of free and paid services to meet a wide range of recruitment needs. While you can create a profile and access some basic features for free, additional costs apply for premium services like enhanced job postings. By understanding the features and associated costs of NaukriRecruiter, recruiters can make informed decisions to optimize their hiring processes and connect with top talent more effectively.

If you're considering using NaukriRecruiter, evaluating your specific requirements and budget constraints is crucial to choosing the right package and leveraging the platform to its full potential. For more details on pricing and features, you can visit the NaukriRecruiter official website.

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