Naukri Resdex Price for 1 Year in 2024

Naukri Resdex Price for 1 Year in 2024

In the dynamic landscape of recruitment, having the right tools can significantly enhance your hiring efficiency and effectiveness. One such indispensable tool is Naukri Resdex, a robust resume database within the Naukri ecosystem. As a recruiter, understanding the cost and features of Naukri Resdex is crucial for planning your budget and optimizing your recruitment strategy in 2024.

Brief Overview of Naukri Resdex and Its Features

Naukri Resdex offers a suite of features designed to streamline and enhance the recruitment process. Here's a closer look at its standout functionalities:

Key Features

  1. Smart Comment System & Online Candidate Trackers
    • Productivity Boost: View all Resdex requirements and activities in one place.
    • Profile Organization: Group profiles based on recruiter actions or comments.
    • Follow-Up Management: Receive reminders to manage candidate follow-ups efficiently.
  2. Collaborative Hiring via User Tagging
    • Team Coordination: Tag users for collaborative hiring efforts.
    • Enhanced Communication: Improve team communication and coordination during recruitment.
  3. Tasks, Reminders & Event Notifications
    • Efficient Management: Set tasks, reminders, and receive event notifications.
    • Streamlined Process: Ensure timely follow-ups and scheduling of recruitment-related activities.

These features collectively make hiring with Naukri Resdex more efficient, organized, and collaborative, thereby improving the overall recruitment experience for employers and recruiters alike.

Naukri Resdex Pricing for 1 Year in 2024

Understanding the cost of Naukri Resdex is essential for budgeting and ensuring you get the best value for your investment. Here are the estimated costs for different packages based on a 15-day plan:

1. 1 Requirement Package

  • Cost: ₹4000 for 15 days
  • Features:
    • 100 CV views per requirement
    • Up to 500 search results
    • Candidates active in last 6 months
    • 10+ advanced filters
    • Single user access
  • Estimated Cost for 1 Year: ₹4000 × 24 (15 days × 24 = 360 days) = ₹96,000

2. 3 Requirements Package

  • Cost: ₹10,500 for 15 days
  • Features:
    • 300 CV views
    • 100 CV views per requirement
    • Up to 500 search results
    • Candidates active in last 6 months
    • 10+ advanced filters
    • Single user access
  • Estimated Cost for 1 Year: ₹10,500 × 24 (15 days × 24 = 360 days) = ₹2,52,000

3. Custom Pricing Package

  • Cost: ₹12,500 for 15 days(Calculative)
  • Features:
    • CV views as per plan
    • Unlimited search results
    • All available candidates
    • 20+ advanced filters
    • Multiple user access
    • Email multiple candidates together
    • Boolean keyword search
    • Download CVs in bulk
  • Estimated Cost for 1 Year: ₹12,500 × 24 (15 days × 24 = 360 days) = ₹3,00,000


These are estimated costs based on the 15-day plan. For an accurate and customized quote, it is recommended to contact Naukri's sales team directly. They can provide a package tailored to your specific requirements and potentially offer negotiated rates. These prices have been taken from the official website.


Investing in Naukri Resdex can be a game-changer for your recruitment process in 2024. Its comprehensive features and varying pricing plans cater to different needs and budgets, making it a versatile tool for recruiters. By choosing the right package, you can ensure a more organized, efficient, and collaborative hiring experience.

For more detailed information and to explore customized plans, visit the Naukri Resdex official website.

By leveraging the power of Naukri Resdex, you can take your recruitment strategy to the next level, ensuring you attract and retain the best talent in the market.

About Tobu.Ai is revolutionizing the way companies build their resume databases. As the world’s first email and desktop resume extractor, automatically identifies and backs up all resumes from your emails and desktop, making it easy to create a searchable resume database for your organization. By linking to your existing email account or downloading the desktop app, the software will scan, identify, and parse all resumes you currently possess into an internal searchable private database. With, you no longer need to manually search for resumes or worry about losing track of important candidate information.