What is the Meaning of Resdex?

What is the Meaning of Resdex?

In the dynamic world of recruitment, finding the right candidate swiftly and efficiently is crucial. Enter Resdex—a robust and comprehensive database designed to bridge the gap between recruiters and jobseekers in India. With over 50 million profiles spanning various industries, functions, locations, and experience levels, Resdex stands as a powerful tool to meet diverse recruitment needs.

What is Resdex?

Resdex is more than just a database; it’s a recruiter’s ally in navigating the complex landscape of talent acquisition. It offers a plethora of features to streamline and enhance the recruitment process, making it an indispensable resource for recruiters aiming for efficiency and effectiveness.

Features of Resdex

  1. Intelligent Search Engine: Using an advanced search algorithm, Resdex allows recruiters to pinpoint the most relevant candidates with precision. This smart search capability ensures that the candidate selection process is not only faster but also more accurate.
  2. Data-Driven Recommender System: The integrated recommender system goes a step further by suggesting candidates similar to those already selected, amplifying the pool of potential hires and making the discovery of suitable candidates even more seamless.
  3. Refinement Tools: With features like search within results, recruiters can narrow down their candidate search to meet specific criteria, ensuring a more focused and effective recruitment process.
  4. Candidate Contact and Organization: Resdex facilitates direct communication with candidates via email or SMS. Additionally, it allows recruiters to shortlist, forward, and organize resumes into folders, streamlining candidate management and communication.
  5. Customized Alerts: Stay ahead of the game with personalized email alerts for new resumes that match your specified criteria. This feature keeps recruiters informed of potential candidates proactively.
  6. Notes and Reminders: Enhance your recruitment workflow by adding notes and reminders to resumes, making it easier to recall key information and make informed decisions.

Benefits of Using Resdex for Recruiters

Utilizing Resdex, recruiters can:

  • Access a vast talent pool for various hiring needs.
  • Streamline the candidate search and selection process.
  • Receive customized alerts for new resumes matching specific criteria.
  • Simplify communication with candidates through multiple channels.
  • Enhance organization and management of candidate profiles, leading to more efficient recruitment processes.

Cost of Resdex

Resdex offers flexible subscription plans tailored to meet different recruitment needs:

  1. Resdex Lite:
    • Price: ₹4000(Approximately)
    • Features:
      • 1 requirement
      • 100 CV views per requirement
      • Up to 500 search results
      • Candidates active in the last 6 months
      • 10+ advanced filters
      • Single user access
      • Email multiple candidates together
      • Boolean keyword search
      • Download CVs in bulk
  2. Resdex:
    • Price: ₹10500(Approximately)
    • Features:
      • 3 requirements
      • 100 CV views per requirement
      • Up to 500 search results
      • Candidates active in the last 6 months
      • 10+ advanced filters
      • Single user access
      • Email multiple candidates together
      • Boolean keyword search
      • Download CVs in bulk
  3. Custom Pricing:
    • Based on your plan
    • Features:
      • CV views as per plan
      • Unlimited search results
      • All available candidates
      • 20+ advanced filters
      • Multiple user access
      • Email multiple candidates together
      • Boolean keyword search
      • Download CVs in bulk

These pricing options are designed to cater to various recruitment needs, providing both flexibility and scalability for recruiters.


Resdex is a game-changer for recruiters in India, offering a sophisticated and comprehensive platform to find the right talent efficiently. Whether you're looking for a basic plan or a customized solution, Resdex provides the tools and features needed to enhance your recruitment process. Embrace the power of Resdex and transform the way you connect with jobseekers.

For more information on Resdex and to find the plan that suits your needs, visit Naukri Resdex.

About Tobu.Ai

Tobu.ai is revolutionizing the way companies build their resume databases. As the world’s first email and desktop resume extractor, Tobu.ai automatically identifies and backs up all resumes from your emails and desktop, making it easy to create a searchable resume database for your organization. By linking Tobu.ai to your existing email account or downloading the desktop app, the software will scan, identify, and parse all resumes you currently possess into an internal searchable private database. With Tobu.ai, you no longer need to manually search for resumes or worry about losing track of important candidate information.